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L'{} : the space to fill between you & me

L'{} is the representation of potential. A space to fill between two hands, two arms, two people.


Hey. I'm Stéphanie. I created L'ensemble vide in 2012 (!!!).

L'{}, was an answer. I had to make sense of my studies. I needed autonomy and creativity and a vehicule for expression and connexion. I needed to feel useful. I was in a very lonely place and this project gave me structure, motivation and goals. And, let's be real, I needed to make $$$. In the last 10 years, l'{} took many different shapes but it was always there to answer to some of those needs.


Clothes and objects we surround ourselves with, as common or luxe may they be, also have that potential. When you choose a l'{} object, I hope it helps you with your personal challenges whether what you need is to be invisible or invincible.

My commitment

No bullshit.

No car salesman's language.

No crazy sales to make you buy at all costs.


I won't pretend that my production is green or nobler than anyone else's. Creating objects, as ethically you may try to do it, produces waste, encourages consumption and somehow participates to an exploitative system. I try to make small choices that make sense for me, as imperfect as they may be. My commitment to you is to be transparent about them.

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